Discover the unique collection of brands under the Mediatech Direct Inc. umbrella. Contact us for a free consultation with a friendly member of our team. We strive to address the unique challenges faced by businesses and individuals, providing them with cutting-edge tools to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. Our focus areas include:

Cost Savings & Efficiency

We offer solutions that streamline processes, automate tasks, and optimize operations, enabling businesses to improve efficiency and productivity.

Customer Engagement

Our technologies enhance engagement with customers, employees, and stakeholders through interactive and immersive experiences, fostering stronger connections and driving growth.

Unique Communication Tools

We provide communication tools and platforms that facilitate seamless and effective information exchange, both internally within organizations and externally with clients and partners.

Branding and Marketing

Our products and services empower businesses to create compelling brand experiences and execute successful marketing campaigns, helping them stand out in competitive markets.

Content Personalization

We believe in the power of personalized experiences. Our solutions enable businesses to tailor their interactions and offerings to individual preferences, delivering meaningful and impactful experiences.

Story Preservation

We understand the importance of preserving memories, information, and valuable assets. Our archival and preservation solutions ensure the longevity and accessibility of cherished materials.


Meet the talented individuals who lead implementation across our family or brands. Remember, we are here to help your projects succeed and make your experience enjoyable. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please let us know. We’re responsive and ready to assist. 


Aaron Ball

Chief Product Officer

Aaron is driven to help people and companies succeed. He is leading the charge to build a global community of innovators who use video and print technologies to improve the world.


Brendan Farrugia

Chief Executive Officer

MediaTech Direct is Brendan’s baby and he treats it that way. Working from our Aus. office what he doesn’t know about the video and print technologies industry is not worth knowing.


Sepi Browning

Chief Information Officer

Sepi enjoys team collaborations and team building opportunities. A huge driver of that is her love for project and task transparency for assurance of team input capture and accuracy.


Ann Kelly

Marketing Operations Lead

Ann’s impressive experience as a collegiate educator and business operator over her 40-year career brings a grounded, real-world relevance to our business plan and processes.


Amit Singh

IT/Web Project Lead

Amit is a master of everything IT. He knows WordPress and web development like the back of his hand. His expertise of the online space never fails to amaze any of us and his knowledge incalculable.

Ben Avellone

Ben Avellone

Chief Technology Officer

Ben brings software products to life and enjoys working on the full product lifecycle, from ideation to daily operations. He specializes in building cloud-native web platforms and solving business challenges with modern technology.

Kely Hall Digital Marketing

Kely Hall

Digital Content

Kely, performs many tasks however she excels in enhancing customer engagement by delving into the details as well as charting a course of action by analyzing our data and metrics.

Gilbert Ogario

Pro Rewards Network Admin

Gilbert’s work with Shell corporation and other multi-national organizations uniquely prepared him for his role coordinating communications and training our growing network of Pro Rewards members..


Keiana Davis

Customer Care & Operations

Keiana is a master at getting projects completed. Her wide range of skills, from being in front of the camera to spreadsheets, and sunny disposition bring fun and efficiency to our logistics and customer support teams.


We promise to always protect your information and privacy. We take the rights of our valued customers very seriously and built all of our communication tools and technology with these commitments in mind:

Privacy We promise to keep your personal information private. This means we won’t share your name, address, or any other details about you with anyone else.

No Profiling We will never try to figure out everything about you and create a profile based on your actions. We believe that everyone is unique and deserves to be treated that way.

Data Protection Your data is important to us. We will take all the necessary steps to keep it safe and secure. This means we won’t let anyone access or use your information without your permission.

No Selling We will never sell your information to anyone. Your personal details are yours, and we will respect that.

No Exploitation We promise not to take advantage of your presence on our platform. We are here to provide a service, and we will always treat you fairly and honestly.

Pro Rewards Ambassadors

Join our esteemed community of Pro Ambassadors and become a brand advocate for Mediatech’s innovative solutions. As a Pro Ambassador, you’ll have the opportunity to represent our products, share your expertise, and receive exclusive benefits.

Click here to learn about our Pre Rewards Ambassador program.

© Mediatech Direct Inc 2024. All rights reserved.